Saturday, April 12, 2014

Young faces – Native Okinawans 1945

These are the faces of children and young adults captured in 1945 by Lt. Reinhart T. Kowallis while he was stationed on Okinawa as part of a photo interpretation team attached to the 10th U.S. Army. As I look at these photos, I wonder if any of these people are still alive today and, if so, I wonder if they will ever recognize themselves in these photos.

While on girl turns to run away from the camera, another gives a big smile.

A family of native Okinawans at home.

Two young girls on the side of the road. One of them carrying a boy who was not much smaller than the girl.

A young girl getting a haircut.

Three young girls along the road.

A young boy, comfortably dressed, playing with a hoop.

An Okinawan family with their catch for the day.

A group of native Okinawans reaching for something–the photo does not say what.

Another young native Okinawan boy dressed appropriately for a warm day.

Young Okinawan boys in the back of a truck.

A pretty, camera-shy girl.

Another girl. Not so camera shy.

Two stylish Okinawan ladies at the beach.

An American serviceman (perhaps Lt. Martinson from the photo interpretation group) visiting with a young Okinawan boy.

You can read more about the Battle of Okinawa on Wikipedia,, and
Other good sites for information on the Battle of Okinawa during 1945 include:
And for post-war Okinawa, this is a very good site with lots of pictures from 1945 through 1972: Remembering Okinawa

Note: Be sure to visit my other blogs on Okinawa in 1945: 

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